Arcbeatle Press Lead Supervisor Hunter O'Connell spoke with BBC Productions' Bill Baggs, the director of the BBV film Cyberon, about the film and our upcoming novelization! Look for it this fall. Q: What was it like, working on the original BBV film? Can you bring up some seldom-mentioned details about production?
A: It was great fun, I look at the experience with great admiration. I asked so many people from Doctor Who and was amazed they said yes to be in the films. Whenever we were filming we would also take time planning locations, casting, budgeting, writing the script and shooting. So it was all very very exciting. Q: For those unsure about where to start with the BBV video and audio dramas, what would you say is the most accessible for newcomers to the company? A: Well that’s a very interesting question. Interestingly I think Cyberon is possibly the most accessible in the sense that you don’t need any relationship to Doctor Who to understand it. However, if you have a relationship with Doctor Who you’ll get even more from it. I think it’s just a very straightforward romantic thriller. Q: What are you most excited to see in the newly-expanded Cyberon novelization? A: I think I like the idea that it’s kind of related to the show but it’s also got its own world. I think the character of Lauren could be expanded, and the themes, such as the adult and psychological, could be seen more. I think its psychological aspect is wonderful. Q: How does it make you feel, knowing that BBV Productions is still looked at fondly by Doctor Who Extended Universe fans across the world? A: It’s fantastic, it amazes me somewhat that, there’s me piggybacking on my favorite show and creating something, and that is now a springboard for other people. I had an artist in the North of England Facebook me the other day, and he’s done an amazing interpretation of Cyberon and the other shows I’ve done. He was telling me how much pleasure he got from my shows, and it was very humbling and incredible. Q: Are there any plans for future BBV dramas or partnerships that you can go into detail about? What can the fans expect from the company in the next few years? A: It’s a bit of a departure from the world of Doctor Who. I’m working on something a bit independent, and I suppose it’s kind of like Cyberon, being its own thing. I am working on something that is related, but I won’t talk too much about it. Just know to expect something in the next few years.
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